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"We're PAIN FREE! The best £50
we ever spent..."

So says Mr Mansell, an 86-year old arthritis sufferer who was plagued by daily back pain for years.

That’s until he saw a BiofeedbacTM system advert near his home in Birmingham. He and his wife looked into it further and were so impressed by what others had said about it, they bought one that same day. Mr Mansell began using the BiofeedbacTM belt straight away.

“I couldn’t believe how fast it worked. It was just as the other people had said. I was pain free for the first time in as long as I could remember.”

“we’d given up hope...”

“I have been to doctors and specialists who’ve told me that I have osteo-arthritis in my spine. The only thing they could do is operate but surgery would be too risky at my age… I have serious breathing problems and I just couldn’t take the anaesthetic. For a while it looked as though I was going to have to get used to being in constant pain.”

The Mansells suffered for years with back pain, until they discovered BiofeedbacTM – and it’s changed their life completely!

Mrs Mansell, who’s just a year younger, also gets back pain and stiffness, often after a restless night’s sleep. The couple have invested in several mattresses over the last few years including laying out over £1500.00 for a specialist orthopaedic one.

“We were just losing hope because nothing we did helped,” explained Mr Mansell.
The couple were delighted with the BiofeedbacTM belt for Mr Mansell, and they soon realised he didn’t need to wear it all day and every day to stay pain-free.

“Some days I just wear it for a few hours and that does the trick, so I suggested my wife try it one morning. She was really struggling with her back but after 45 minutes she was walking easily and was thrilled that her pain had gone altogether too. She wears it more than I do now!”

“Double success for BiofeedbacTM!”

“Definitely… getting the BiofeedbacTM belt was the best £50 we ever spent. We wouldn’t be without it and we can’t recommend it highly enough.”

Mr Mansell spoke with Dr Kathryn Senior, an independent journalist commissioned by Global Product to conduct a survey of BiofeedbacTM technology users to document their experiences and feedback. 



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